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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

No Worksheet Wednesday #4

Sad to announce this is the last week of No Worksheet Wednesday!?  There have been so many great, engaging, worksheet free ideas shared this past month.  I cry because it's over, but smile because it happened.  A big thank you to the Primary Chalkboard for hosting!  If you would like to link up with your own worksheet free idea head on over there now!
This week I introduced cause and effect in some real ways the children were able to experience first hand!
I had only planned to use the egg dropping and popping the balloon as examples.  However, when I saw everyone holding their ears and their reactions to the balloon I was excited to add an effect we were experiencing right then!  I was also lucky that it was a rainy day and I really did see the postman walking with his umbrella to work.
We also started talking about synonyms early this week and I couldn't resist but make these adorable synonym rolls!  First, we sorted the words as a class and then the cards were used to play a find your match kind of game.  I will also be keeping these cards up for a work on words option for a while.

Thanks for stopping by!
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  1. LOVE the egg idea! My little guys struggle with cause and effect - this will definitely do the trick! Thanks for sharing, Jen

    1. I didn't want to just waste the eggs but we did pop multiple balloons!! :) Glad you were able to find something useful!

  2. I linked up before you, and wanted to share the love! This is such a cute idea! I think I will use it in my Morning Meeting time one day. :)

    1. Thanks! The kids were seriously in LOVE!! It was well worth the balloons!

  3. I love how you made cause and effect so concrete. I am sure the kids enjoyed it.
    Grade School Giggles
