I spent my first year doing a long-term subbing position for a maternity leave and I always described the day like a roller coaster. As soon as the bell rang it was like we were running around crazy. Some moments were full of joy, some were full of stress, and others were just plain queezy. Even when you remember the stressful days, it is the joyful ones that keep you coming back for more. You can't be naive though. If you get back on there WILL be more queezy days and truthfully, you never know when they will happen.
But what everyday has in common is time. It goes by so incredibly fast! Sometimes I am ok with that and other times I am not. The life of a teacher goes by way to fast. I wish everyday there was more time to slow down and not have that constant gotta go, gotta go, gotta go pressure.
SIDENOTE: I am a complete type A person and often have to provide myself with some self talk, affirmation, and positivity so I don't overload.
You can read about me here: 11 Things Every Type A Person Wants You to Know :)
Here are some of my favorite quotes that help me cherish each day; at school, at home, and in my personal life.
You may have another year to re-do that lesson, try that great new technique, or fix your behavior plan but for the kids there isn't another kindergarten, another first grade, another second grade. They get one year. One shot and I am determined to make it worth it. I push myself to make each day enjoyable, memorable, authentic, and above all meaningful.
This one in particular helps me get through the hard days. Nothing lasts forever. Everyday has the same amount of hours, minutes, seconds. In the same respect, it is good to remember on the good days. The ones where you really get to enjoy the kids' company. Laugh at their adorable personalities. Share their toothless grins.
The plate of a teacher is always full. Especially if you lead several roles in your life. We are always striving for balance...how do you balance it all...how do you stay on top of it all.....the secret is.....YOU DON'T! There is no balance...except for off balance. You have to do what works best for now, this moment, and your students, or sometimes your own children. The hardest part...willing to accept that if your heart is in the right place, no matter what else, then you made the right choice. Take those teachable moments at all costs. Foster relationships and encourage creativity.
With the end of the year approaching I hope we share some of these same thoughts, and if not, hopefully now we do.
DISCLAIMER: If you're wondering about the adorable models....my daughter and my niece :)

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