Luckily, I am the person at all the parties that creeps over the gift bags and tissue paper JUST in case the guest of honor doesn't want to take them home...I am there to save the day! I dug around in my tote and found one fitting that would have many descriptive words.

The next day the kids were SOOOO excited to see what was in the bag! We described the bag, the rocks, eating the rocks and all of the adjective goodness! The kids had a lot of fun with this activity.

Another engaging and physical activity we did was with a partner. I cut some pictures from magazines and then the kids rotated around the room to each picture. They were asked to each write an adjective describing the pictures and to not duplicate any words already on the sheet. I believe this was a very effective activity for them to deepen their understanding of what an adjective is and not use nouns!
We also incorporated comparative and superlative adjectives which I talked about a bit more on my No Worksheet Wednesday post which you can see HERE!
One of our cumulative projects we did was even more exciting than I had anticipated. The kids were asked to do a descriptive writing project about their bedroom. We usually have weekly homework sent home Monday and due Friday but I knew the picture would be more work. I sent the directions home Monday instead of our weekly homework and had it due the following Monday. The success of this project was time, love, and creativity! The kids all did such a good job and it was fun to see their personalities in their rooms. I am sure the parents appreciated that they probably cleaned their rooms without a fuss too. I do not have a direct link to where I found this idea but it is credited to Misha Frander.
Hopefully you were able to get some fresh ideas for teaching those tricky adjectives to your kids and getting them to use them as well!!

Thanks Ashley! I am glad your students enjoyed this project as much as mine always have. I actually had a student turn his in this year with a picture of his MESSY I think his mom was trying to teach him a lesson, but it backfired. He enjoyed the attention he got at school from his messy room project. Here is the link to the project. It is a forever FREEBIE in my TPT store. Enjoy! Bedroom / Descriptive Writing Project