Saturday Stray is a weekly teacher linky where you can share five stray things from your week! Please grab the button above and add it to your post. Once your post is complete, please come back here and link up with the linky tool at the bottom of this post.
Every teacher loves - - L.O.V.E.S - - loves the dollar tree. I mean come on it is only a dollar right...hmm I think I will grab all three left on the shelf. Do I have a plan for them. No not just yet...but what if I need all 150 some day and then Dollar Tree doesn't carry them any more?! Oh the misery!! So as I ventured into Dollar Tree this week I found some goodies. I did have a tad bit of self-control. They had some amazing non-fiction readers. I had to grab a couple 100 piece puzzles for our 100th day of school celebration coming up Thursday. The best find, and I resisted buying enough for an entire class, was the dry erase page protectors! Oh yeah and of course all 150 of those cubes............
The Next Step in Guided Reading by Jan Richardson came in this week and I am excited to begin reading it and am also participating in a book club to help push me along. I will admit it has been on the to do list for ummm.....ok an unmentionable amount of days. But it will happen!
This week, and actually a bit of last, we worked on understanding Martin Luther King Jr, all that he taught us, and what he stands for. Of course MLK is a tricky subject for our firsties, but one of my FAVORITE books is Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport. We used Amber Kotzin's Literature Unit to help us! The questions were a bit beyond first grade so I cut them up and gave one to each kid, or group, and they listened for the answer. Then we went over everyone's question.
I love to talk about what 'BIG' words mean in context to the story and come up with more 'BIG' words. We sometimes do a directed drawing and decorate it with our big words. Didn't snag a pic, but you get the idea! This year our plans consisted of our scholastic reader, a making words activity, and some fun activities from my peacemaker unit! You can click any of the pictures to check out my Peacemaker Mini-Unit!

My 100th day shirt came in! Kreative Kinder did a great job! My kids are going to love it!
My daughter painted 'polish' as she says, for the first time this week and wrote an M for the first time all alone! Can you tell she is our first - - everything she does is magnificent!
If you have stray happenings to share from this week - please link up with me! Have a great weekend!

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